Henrico County’s Volunteer Services Program strives to provide meaningful volunteer opportunities to individuals and groups seeking to devote their time and services to our organization. Volunteers can make a difference in many ways to include volunteering for park clean ups, serving at the animal shelter, and many more. Ready to get involved? Learn more about volunteering with us by checking out our opportunities below.
Volunteer Opportunities
Red Cross Volunteer Opportunities
Woodland Cemetery Volunteer Day
Henrico County Oak CONNECT after school program for youth ages 1st – 8th grades are in need of support for elementary age youth. The program meets Mon – Fri 2:30 -5:30pm. If you are interested please email, [email protected].
Additional Links
Volunteer with Schools (separate application)
Libraries’ Volunteen Program
Tuckahoe Volunteer Rescue Squad
Volunteers Henrico CASA
Community Foundation (Volunteer opportunities outside Henrico)